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    What our customer says

    The people who put their hands in their pockets to pay you are your only source of revenue. So it pays to think of them as investments that you can plan, make and then nurture over the long term.

    John Doe

    CEO of Toto

    Thinking this way can cause you to make better decisions, meaning that you start investing in customers and generating a return. “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”.

    John Doe

    CEO of Toto

    if you treat customers on the basis of their last order value you will inevitably make the wrong decisions about how much to pay to acquire a customer, and how much to invest to keep them

    John Doe

    CEO of Toto

    Thinking this way can cause you to make better decisions, meaning that you start investing in customers and generating a return. “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”.

    John Doe

    CEO of Toto

    The people who put their hands in their pockets to pay you are your only source of revenue. So it pays to think of them as investments that you can plan, make and then nurture over the long term.

    John Doe

    CEO of Toto

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    Tamen quem nulla quae legam multos aute sint culpa legam noster magna